Ungrateful guests demand hosts rehome their dog due to mild allergies, refuse to compromise while living rent-free—get kicked out: ‘The dog is family, they are guests.’

For years, my mom had me convinced I was allergic to cats. Because of that, we never stayed long at a certain neighbor’s house—she had several indoor cats and regularly fed strays. Her home was always surrounded by them.

Turns out, I’m not allergic at all! Maybe I outgrew it, or maybe my mom just wasn’t a fan of lingering at that lady’s place.

In today’s story, a couple uses their daughter’s allergies as an excuse—not to leave early, but to extend their stay at their host’s home. Their demand? That the hosts get rid of their dog. The host, of course, refuses, especially since the child’s allergies are mild.

Want to know how it all unfolds? Keep reading!

#1. AITAH refusing rehome my dog because my friend’s child is allergic?

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