Man gives ultimatum to date: “It’s me or the dog,” Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye

Getting to know someone takes time. It’s important to understand their personality, which can’t be rushed.

Reddit user KintV learned this when he realized the man he was interested in wasn’t a good match, all in one evening. They had been chatting online, but when the man came over for dinner, he didn’t like KintV’s dog. This made it clear they might not be compatible after all.

This man cherishes his dog and can’t imagine life without her, but his date had a problem with the pet.
And adopted the “it’s either the pet or me” attitude
At least they both recognized their incompatibility.

Dating coach Amy Schoen says being authentic is crucial. Knowing our values and passions helps us connect with others without pretending to be someone we’re not.

Schoen agrees with KintV’s experience, saying having a pet shows you already have a big love in your life. Those who can’t accept that you have a pet might not be the right match. They might ignore your pet or make sarcastic comments about your bond with them.

During a first date, you can talk about what’s important to you and share a typical day. Pay attention to how your date responds. Do they show interest when you talk about your pet? Or do they seem uninterested?

It’s okay if your partner doesn’t share all your interests. This doesn’t mean they’re wrong for you or that you should break up with them.

Schoen says it comes down to how your date reacts to your enthusiasm. Do they smile and show interest when you talk about your pet? Or do they seem disinterested?

For KintV, his date’s reaction to his dog was a dealbreaker. It might not have been a pleasant evening, but at least they realized they weren’t right for each other early on.

Almost everyone who read his story said that the man was completely justified in kicking out his date
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye
Man Tells Date It's Either Him Or The Dog, Gets Kicked Out In A Blink Of An Eye

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