From a Ditch to a Loving Home: Maddie’s Journey to Finding Happiness

One morning in Houston, Texas, Kristin Erwin was driving her son to speech therapy when she noticed something moving in a ditch filled with leaves. At first, she couldn’t tell what it was. But as she got closer, she realized it was a dog that seemed to need help. Kristin quickly pulled over and tried to get the dog to come to her. After a bit of effort, she finally managed to get the dog into her van.

“She was really scared and shy,” Kristin said. “But you could tell she wanted to be loved. She was definitely a friendly dog.”

Once they got home, Kristin began searching for the dog’s owner. She checked for a microchip and posted about the dog on local community pages, but no one came forward to claim her. Kristin decided to name the dog Maddie and took her to the vet to get her checked out. Maddie was healthy, except for a small cut on her leg, which the vet treated and healed quickly.

Within a week, Maddie started to feel more comfortable. Kristin’s other dogs and her son helped Maddie feel at home. “She eats with everyone now, and having other dogs and our kid around has really helped her relax and feel safe,” Kristin shared.

Kristin has enjoyed watching Maddie’s personality shine through. Maddie loves toys and treats, and these little joys have made her adjustment smoother.

Kristin reached out to Paddy’s Paws, a rescue group in Wisconsin, and they agreed to help find Maddie a forever home. Maddie probably won’t be waiting long for a family, as many people have already shown interest in adopting her. With her sweet nature, it’s easy to see why she’ll soon be in a loving, permanent home.

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