7 Adorable Yet Irritating Habits of Puppies

Every day presents an opportunity to honor the adorable and affectionate puppies that brighten our lives. However, it’s not always smooth sailing. It’s crucial to take preventive measures and begin training early; otherwise, those new boots you splurged on might end up in tatters thanks to your adorable but mischievous new pup. Here are some other irritating yet lovable behaviors you might expect from your furry new family member, so it’s best to be ready!

1. They will follow you everywhere

The saying “follow you like a puppy dog” holds true for a reason. Need a moment of privacy in the bathroom? Forget about it. Puppies naturally seek a pack leader, and guess what? That’s you!

During the initial months, be prepared for your puppy to be your constant companion, following you everywhere you go.

2. They Get Excited About Everything

Doorbell rings, loud noises from the TV, or even a simple sneeze might trigger your puppy into a barking frenzy.

If you happen to own a full-length mirror that touches the floor, be cautious! That mirror has now turned into both your puppy’s closest ally and fiercest foe.

3. They’ll treat everything as a chew toy

Your puppy might surprise you by choosing your neglected dirty underwear as their favorite chew toy, left carelessly on your bedroom floor.

Owning a puppy can transform your tidiness habits almost miraculously within just a few weeks. Despite the occasional frustration, it’s hard to resist smiling at the sight of your adorable pup sporting a sock as a makeshift accessory, draped over their ear and hanging from their mouth.

4. Pups Adore Mornings

Waking up to your puppy’s enthusiastic tail wagging can turn even the staunchest night owl into a morning person. Despite your own grogginess, their boundless morning energy is infectious. It’s as if they have an internal alarm clock set for the crack of dawn, eagerly nudging you awake to start the day together.

5. They’ll transform your bed into a treasure trove

If you share your bed with your furry friend, chances are they’ve left you some surprises to discover. Your bed might become their secret stash, hiding chew toys, half-eaten treats, and even some slobbery socks. Resist the urge to tidy up—these treasures are exactly where your pup wants them to be!

6. They pee — a lot

Puppies can be compared to babies without diapers, especially when it comes to the amount of pee they produce. It may seem unbelievable at times!

They might go outside, pee, and then come back inside to pee again!

To minimize accidents, consider taking your puppy outside every hour at first. Let them explore the grass and see if they feel the urge to go. This routine can save you from a lot of frustration as you repeatedly clean your carpets. Plus, the fresh air will do you both good.

7. They lick you — a lot

While it’s hard to resist a cute puppy licking your face, the constant attention can be a bit much. Puppy kisses are adorable, but the endless licking can test even the most patient pet owner. You might find your puppy licking lotion off your hands or legs right after you apply it, oblivious to your freshly applied makeup.

Puppies are all about giving wet kisses, day and night. Dealing with a new puppy can be frustrating at times, but those moments are outweighed by the love, joy, and happiness they bring. Every dog parent will agree—it’s absolutely worth it.

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